Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 9

Day 9

Today we prepared a hanging drop slide in order to view our live bacteria. First we took a clean cover slide and placed petroleum jelly on all four corners. We then injected our bacteria onto the cover slip. We placed the cover slide on a depression slide and examined it under the microscope to check for motility. 

We found that our bacteria are motile!!! Check out the video below! 

We also observed our tests that we performed yesterday. 
The top one is the Oxidase tube and the bottom one is the Triple Sugar Iron Agar Slant. 

First we observed the Oxidase tube and determined our bacteria is facultative. 

For the Triple Sugar Iron Agar Slant we took a sample of the grown bacteria on a swab and added about 10 drops onto the bacteria. The bacteria did not change color, which means we had a negative test. 

Going back to the tests we performed two days ago, we had continued to incubate the sucrose, the litmus milk, and the citrate:
-There is no further growth in the citrate tube indicating a negative result.

-The sucrose still appears to be an orange color, but we will continue to incubate to further check.

-The litmus milk showed a bit of pink color and white on the bottom of the tube indicating it is an alkaline reaction. We will continue to incubate that as well to make sure it is done reacting.

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