Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 10

Day 10 

Today we performed more tests to determine our bacteria with differential media. We swabbed bacteria onto four different agar plates: McConkey, Phenol Ethanol, Blood, and Manitol.

We set those in the incubator to grow.

Next we performed antibiotic testing with our bacteria. We swabbed bacteria all over an Agar plate and then put discs of each antibiotic in a respective places. The antibiotics we used were: Penicillin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Neomycin, and Chloramphenicol. We also placed this in the incubator to allow it to grow.  Penicillin is used to combat the cell wall of the bacteria, Tetracycline and Erythromycin inhibits protein synthesis and Chloramphenicol inhibits the 50S Ribosome subunit. Neomycin also inhibits the protein synthesis. 

Then we got to be nurses and swab someone’s throat and someone’s nose!!! The nose swab was wet with saline solution specifically to test for MRSA. We swabbed the throat to check for strep.  

We swabbed Lauren’s throat and spread it on a blood agar plate. We then put a bacitracin disk on it and set it in the 37 degrees incubator.  

For the nasal swab we swabbed Christina’s nose and spread it on a Manitol Salt Agar plate. This also was placed in the 37 degree incubator. If it grows, the acid will change color and that will be a positive test.

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