Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 7


First, we examined the multiple tests preformed yesterday!

Here is what we found:

1) Skim milk agar dish

      We are going to leave it in the incubator and examine it tomorrow. 

2) Litmus milk
In our lab books on page 163, we were able too examine our results and conclude what the results mean. After looking at the charts depicted in the book, we decided ours looks like figure 4. This means that our bacteria has alkaline properties. Also, we noticed there is coagulation with our litmus milk test. 

3) Lipid agar- blue plate

The Lipid agar is for the purpose of looking at the bacteria in the presence of triglycerides. We are looking for lipolysis. The loss of opacity int he blue plate means the lipids are being broken down. Our test is positive!

4) Starch plate

Next, for the starch plate, we dripped iodine on the streak of bacteria. Because there was no great amount of clear space around our bacteria, we could conclude our test was negative

5) Motility

For the test on the motility of our bacteria we observed it moved back and forth in the gelatin. This means our test is positive and our bacteria is motile. 

6) Gelatin

For the gelatin experiment, we placed it in the fridge and after about 10 minutes, the contents solidified. This means our bacteria is negative

Note: The next series of tests were performed by inoculating our bacteria into different test tubes.

Next test: Oxidation-fermentation of Glucose Test (sucrose, lactose, and glucose), TSIA

Fermentation of Carbohydrates (Durham Tube)

We inoculated it by using the aseptic technique and transferring bacteria from our agar slant to the test tube.

Methyl Red Test (MRVP)

We inoculates it by using the aspect technique to transfer bacteria from our agar slant to the test tube

Citrate Utilization Test

We used the aseptic technique to transfer bacteria by drawing a straight line of bacteria to the bottom and by drawing a snake on top of the agar slant.

Nitrate Reduction Test

We used the aseptic technique to transfer bacteria by drawing a straight line of bacteria to the bottom and by drawing a snake on top of the agar slant.

Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar Test

We used the aseptic technique to transfer bacteria by drawing a straight line of bacteria to the bottom and by drawing a snake on top of the agar slant.

Urea Test:

We inoculated it by using the aseptic technique and transferring bacteria from our agar slant to the test tube.

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